佛陀畫傳(網路版) A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha (Online Edition)

【中文譯者】:淨海法師 (Translation into Chinese by Bhiksu Jan Hai)

【英文譯者】:馬德五、陳鳳佳 (Translation into English by Tom Ma & Caroline Chen)







本書資訊(Information)   此頁頂端

【封面圖案】:印度古代摩突羅國(今摩特拉)所雕刻之精美莊嚴石佛像(約公元五世紀)現供存新德里國立博物館。(Cover Photo: A stone carved Buddha image from Mathura of ancient times, refined, elegant and diginified, Mathura, 5th Century A.D., National Museum, New Delhi.)

【原編繪者】:求那波瑜多(泰國) (Original Illustration and Narration in Thai by Gunapayuta)

【中文譯者】:淨海法師 (Translation into Chinese by Bhiksu Jan Hai)

【英文譯者】:馬德五、陳鳳佳 (Translation into English by Tom Ma & Caroline Chen)

【著色繪者】:李宴芳(Coloring by Yann-Fang Lee)

【電腦顧問】:陳保川、陳鳳佳 (Technical Support by Pao-Chuan Chen & Caroline Chen)

【編著版權】:歡迎翻印流通,禁止營利販售 (Copyright: This ebook is strictly for free distribution, it is not for sale)

【發行網站】:佛典妙供 (Website: www.sutrapearls.org)

【淨海法師簡介】(Introduction of Bhiksu Jan Hai):


【英文】(English):Introduction of Bhiksu Jan Hai



譯者序言(Preface)   此頁頂端






      淨海 2019年12月於休士頓玉佛寺


Preface to the Online Edition

  In 1964, I translated the original Thai text of A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha into Chinese. Since publication by Fo Guang Shan in Taiwan, the easy-to-read text with vivid illustrations has appealed widely to kids, ordinary families, and the general public, and has been hugely popular in Taiwan and abroad. After 1970, Mr. Yann-Fang Lee, devout Buddhist watercolor artist in Taiwan, volunteered his time to render all 218 illustrations into color, which were made into color slides and widely put on exhibition, garnering high praise. Later on, Professor Z. A. Lu from San Francisco graciously translated the text from Chinese into English, which has benefited English-speaking children.

  Around 1997, Mr. Pao-Mao Chen, a member of the Texas Buddhist Association, suggested that the task of publishing the book be turned over to the Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation in Taiwan in order to maximize distribution and expand the reach of Buddhism. As of now, in addition to the Chinese (Traditional and Simplified)-English edition, there is a Hindi edition, a Chinese-Khmer edition, an English-Khmer edition, and more.

  In today's fast-paced world, few have the time and patience to read longer sections of text. Thus, I streamlined the Chinese portion of the text to produce a concise edition, just two-fifths the length of previous editions. Mr. Tom Ma very kindly translated this text into English. This concise edition was also published by the Corporate Body of the Buddha Educational Foundation. In 2008, I made plans to produce a DVD in both Chinese and English from this concise edition, improving upon the original idea by combining the colorful illustrations with Chinese and English captions with simultaneous audio narration, and making this content accessible via computer and internet. Ms. Caroline Chen assisted with the English portion, while sisters Jenny, Mary, and Celia Yang donated the funds needed for the Texas Buddhist Association to publish the DVD, further expanding the reach of Buddhism.

  In recent years, Mr. Pao-Mao Chen’s website, Sutrapearls.org, has become well established. Through technical support from Mr. Pao-Chuan Chen and Ms. Caroline Chen, they have taken the time to convert the DVD of A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha into formats suitable for online audio and video streaming, website access, and as an ebook, with Sutrapearls.org serving as a platform for easy access by readers. These are certainly great deeds, with boundless merit!

      Bhiksu Jan Hai, Jade Buddha Temple, Houston, Texas, USA
      December, 2019


影音播放(youtube)   此頁頂端

佛陀畫傳:A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha (Chinese)



佛陀畫傳:A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha (English)

【英文錄音】:English narrator by Shamay Scimeca


佛陀畫傳 A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha 此頁頂端

畫傳附錄(Appendix)   此頁頂端


本書索引(Index)   此頁頂端

1. 迦毘羅衛國、迦毘羅衛城 (Kipilavastu: 1, 2, 6, 154, A2)

2. 藍毘尼園 (Lumbini Park: 4, 5, A2, A3, A4, A6)

3. 王舍城 (Rajagrha: 91, 94, 95, 100, 135, 142, 150, 153, 196, A17)

  3.1 摩揭陀國 (Magadha: 91, 93)

  3.2 竹林精舍 (Venuvana, Monastery of Bamboo Grove: 136, 150, A18)

  3.3 靈鷲山 (Vulture Peak Mountain: A17)

  3.4 那爛陀大學 (Nalanda University: A24)

4. 菩提伽耶 (Buddhagaya: A7, A8, A9, A10, A12)

  4.1 伽耶山 (Kaya Mountain: 105)

  4.2 菩提樹 (Bodhi tree: 116, A4, A7, A9, A19)

  4.3 優樓頻螺村 (Uruvilva: 107, 134)

5. 鹿野苑 (Sarnath, Mrgadava, Deer Park: 113, 125, A13, A14, A15, A16)

  5.1 波羅奈城 (Varanasi: 131)

6. 舍衛城 (Sravasti: A34)

  6.1 祇園精舍 (Jetavana Vihara: A19)

7. 毘舍離 (Vaisali: 165, 197, 203, A23)

  7.1 竹林村 (Bamboo Grove Village: 197, 198)

  7.2 大林精舍 (Mahavana Monastery: 165, 202)

  7.3 菴摩羅樹園 (Amravana garden: 197)

  7.4 波婆城 (City of Pava: 204)

8. 拘尸那城 (Kusinagara: 206, 211, 212, A20, A22, A35)

  8.1 熙連禪河 (Hiranyavati River: 206)


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